Exploring the depths of infinity

I received an Internal GPU Error message.

FractalEcho pushes the limits of both mobile devices and desktop computers to bring you extreme math for fractals. In doing so we have come upon a shortcoming in the underlying operating system. We are working with Apple to resolve this issue.

This issue has been seen with the Apple M series Max and Ultra processors. Macs with Intel processors do not appear to be effected. The issue is more apparent when simultaneously running other apps that also use the GPU when FractalEcho is calculating.

You can help by reporting this issue to Apple and letting them know it effects you. The cause originates when two or more apps attempt to use the GPU simultaneously and the operating system is not handling the requests correctly. This can includes video playback or other finder activities.

My computer / iPhone / iPad gets warm while calculating new images. Is this a problem?

FractalEcho does challenge the device to deliver the calculations necessary to generate the fractals. Desktop computers and portables should be capable of handling this without issues because they have fans to cool themselves. Mobile devices do not have fans so they should be permitted to cool down if temperates become excessively warm. If they do overheat they will shut themselves down for a cooling period.

Please do not overheat your device. Allow it to cool if it becomes hot to the touch.

FractalEcho is available on the AppStore.
Veiw FractalEcho on the AppStore